Goooood morning and happy Sunday! I just finished enjoying breakfast with Trevor and my little turkey so of course I HAD to share a pic of her cuteness!
I know, I'm THAT mom that can't stop posting pictures of her baby...who would've thought!?
Today, I want to share with you my morning routine and how it's changed the outcome of my day. You know what I realized that all successful people DO? They take advantage of the early morning. I've been listening to quite a bit of Chalene Johnson lately (you NEED to listen to her podcasts, she's amazing!) and picked up on a few things that she's touched on - early mornings being one of them.
Before I started my fitness journey, I used to DREAD and hate on Mondays. I used to set the same alarm every night and every. single. morning. I would hit snooze over and over and
over. When I finally did get up, I'd be frustrated and just feel discouraged to get on with my day. I already woke up late so what was the point of trying to do what I needed? But I found out that research shows
your morning routine sets the rhythm for the rest of your day. So here are 3 simple, yet effective, tips that I've learned that will help you become that go-getter morning person you thought you'd never be ;)
1. Give Yourself 3-5 Minutes:
Don't hop straight out of bed. Let yourself wake up, stretch, relax, and
most importantly, don't stress about the day to come. Don't think about the tasks that you have to do. Just
2. Start With Something You Love:
It could be anything. Breakfast, shower, reading, watching the news, whatever. But just make sure you do this right after step one. Doing this will help associate morning time with happy thoughts and excitement to get your day going. I personally have started my day with a nice mug of green tea while I look through my e-mails (usually to see if there are any good coupons or sales out there ;p).
3. Exercise:
Within the first 30 minutes of waking up, work in a quick exercise routine. It's not to help you get fit or lose weight, but to stimulate your mind to get your brain pumping and get the blood flowing. I've noticed a drastic change in my attitude since I've been starting my days with a 30-minute 21 day fix extreme workout. Believe it or not, now I actually
look forward to working out in the morning. It's my me-time.
So, if you set a routine similar to this one (tweak it to your own needs), research shows that you'll begin to associate mornings with happiness and joy versus anxiety and stress. I know, life-changing right!?
Anyway, usually after I get through with this part of my routine, I make my to-do list for the day and either get ready for work or do some laundry/dishes before Camilla wakes up. Doing any type of housework (or anything) really helps me feel a sense of accomplishment and even better, it makes me want to keep getting
more done. I have an awesome daily to-do list template that I recently started using and I'd LOVE to share it with you to help you get your day going - just shoot me a message and I'll make sure I get it to ya!
Have a FABulous day loves!!
xoxo, Andrea
Instagram: andrea__rivas